Enrique Alarcón & Jaime García Hoz
Chartae synopticae operum S. Thomae de Aquino
automato IBM DB2 Intelligent Miner statistice exaratae
Thomas Aquinas a Fouquet depictus

Pompaelone ad Universitatis Studiorum Navarrensis aedes A.D. MMXIII



We present here 79 synoptic maps of writings by Thomas Aquinas, and 42 of other related works.

These diagrams are the result of a statistical analysis produced using DB2 Intelligent Miner, donated by IBM through the IBM Academic Initiative.

We have applied a statistical procedure called Affinity analysis: mathematical algorithms applied to large databases to discover and to evaluate which elements are associated, and their mutual relations. These rules of association can be represented graphically, so that the colors and the size of the connecting arrows express the various statistical valuations in an intuitive manner.

Affinity analysis is applied here to frequent and meaningful words (lemmata) in the Index Thomisticus database that co-occur in sentences of single works. For indeed, all texts are formed of grammatical sentences that connect words; and when, in a work, two terms co-occur frequently in the same sentences, it is probable that they express a reiterated, and therefore important issue. As a result, the rules of association between the terms of a text give an idea of its frequently-occurring contents; and the corresponding graphic representation shows, as in a synoptic map, the main topics of the text analyzed.

We are here moving in the realm of probability and, therefore, it is important to evaluate the results in the same light. A priori, the longer a work is, the lower the probability that its words will co-occur in the same sentences by mere chance. As a result, and from this perspective, the method employed here has a higher validity the longer each text is. For this reason, the length of each analyzed work, measured by its total number of words, is given underneath each synoptic map.

The frequency with which each of the associated terms occurs is also relevant. In fact, a high frequency probably indicates a greater relative importance of the topic at hand. In these synoptic maps, the most frequent terms appear in orange, infrequent terms in blue, and intermediate cases in white.

Another significant statistical value is the frequency with which, in each text, the same two words appear in a single sentence. Technically, this is measured via a proportion called support: the number of sentences that show this co-occurrence, divided by the total number of sentences in the work. In the graphics that we present here, the support is represented by the color of the arrows: orange when greater, blue if lesser and white for intermediate cases.

Finally, the reliability of each association between terms is measured by the confidence value: it is the proportion of occurrences of a given term where it occurs with another term it is associated with. Confidence is represented by the width of the arrows: the wider the arrow, the greater the confidence that the association rule has.

Scriptum super Sententiis
Scriptum super Sententiis
Super I Sententiarum Super II Sententiarum
Super III Sententiarum Super IV Sententiarum
Summa contra Gentiles
Summa contra Gentiles
Summa theologiae
Summa theologiae
Iª pars Iª-IIæ pars
IIª-IIæ pars IIIª pars

De spiritualibus creaturis De unione Verbi
De potentia Q. de anima
De malo De virtutibus

Opuscula philosophica
De ente et essentia De principiis naturae
De substantiis separatis
Opuscula theologica
Compendium theologiae Super Decretales
De articulis Fidei De rationibus Fidei
Principium Rigans montes
Opuscula polemica pro mendicantibus
Contra retrahentes De perfectione
Contra impugnantes
Contra errores Graecorum Nicholai de Crotone Liber de Fide Trinitatis
De forma absolutionis
De regno Continuatio a Ptolomaeo de Luca
Ad ducissam Brabantiae De emptione
De operationibus occultis De iudiciis astrorum
De mixtione elementorum De motu cordis
De sortibus
De 6 articulis De 30 articulis
De 36 articulis De 43 articulis
De 108 articulis

In Aristotelem
Sententia libri Metaphysicae Sententia libri Ethicorum
Expositio libri Posteriorum Analyticorum In libros Physicorum
Expositio libri Peryermeneias Continuatio a Thoma de Vio Card. Cajetano
In libros De caelo et mundo Continuatio a Petro de Alvernia
In libros De generatione et corruptione Continuatio anonyma
Sentencia super Meteora Inserta ex commentario anonymo
Sententia libri Politicorum Continuatio a Petro de Alvernia
In neoplatonicos
Expositio libri Boetii De ebdomadibus Super Boetium De Trinitate
In librum B. Dionysii De divinis nominibus expositio

In Vetus Testamentum
Super Iob Super Threnos Jeremiae
In Novum Testamentum
Catena aurea in Matthaeum Catena aurea in Marcum
Super Ioannem
In Epistolas S. Pauli
Super Romanos Super II ad Corinthios
Super Gal. Super Eph.
Super Philip. Super Col.
Super I Thes. Super II Thes.
Super I Tim. Super II Tim.
Super Tit. Super Philem.

In Symbolum Apostolorum Expositio Salutationis angelicae
In orationem dominicam Insertum ex commentario Aldobrandini de Toscanella
De decem praeceptis

De fallaciis De propositionibus modalibus
Quaestio de immortalitate animae

Thomas de Sutton, De pluralitate formarum Thomas de Sutton (?), De principio individuationis
Thomas de Sutton (?), De instantibus Thomas de Sutton (?), De natura generis
Thomas de Sutton (?), De natura verbi intellectus Thomas de Sutton (?), De quatuor oppositis
Thomas de Sutton (?), Concordantiae Pertransibunt plurimi Leonardus Pistoriensis, De praescientia et praedestinatione
Aegidius de Lessinia, De usuris in communi Guillelmus Peraldus, De eruditione principum
Helvicus Theutonicus, De dilectione Dei et proximi Matthaeus de Cracovia, De modo confitendi et puritate conscientiae
Jacobus de Benevento, De adventu Antichristi Jacobus de Benevento, De praeambulis ad judicium
Ignoti Auctores
De intellectu et intelligibili De natura loci
De natura materiae
Commentaria philosophica
Adamus de Buckfield
In De somno et vigilia In De somniis
In De divinatione per somnum
Guillelmus Wheatley
In Boethii De scholarium disciplina In Boethii De consolatione philosophiae
Commentaria theologica
Aldobrandinus de Toscanella, Super Pater noster, prima petitio Richardus de Wedinghausen, Expositio Missae
S. Albertus Magnus Super Dionysium De divinis nominibus
De pulchro et bono De fato
Commentaria biblica
Aegidius de Roma, In Canticum Haimo Altissiodorensis, In Canticum
Johannis Michaelis, In Danielem Johannis Michaelis, In libros Machabaeorum
Petrus de Scala, Super Matthaeum (fragmenta) Petrus de Tarantasia, Super I ad Corinthios cap. 7-10
Ignoti Auctoris Postilla in libros Geneseos

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